Thursday, December 6, 2012

Social Commentary

Title: Body Modification

Date taken: 12/5/2012

Camera: Nikon CoolPix P510

Shutter speed: 1/30 sec

F-stop: f/7.8

ISO: 3200

Focal length: 27.6mm

Tripod: no

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Title: Mysterical

Date taken: 12/1/2012

Camera: Nikon CoolPix P510

Shutter speed: 1/30 sec

F-stop: f/6.1

ISO: 400

Focal length: 7.6mm

Tripod: yes

Objective: My idea was to make a piece that is mysterical, but simple. I used a tripod and took one picture of the graveyard without people in the picture. Then I took a second photo with the people I was using. After I took the pictures just as I wanted I layered the pictures and turned the opacity down on the piece with the people to make them appear as spirits, or those that once resided in this world. The hardest parts about this piece was trying to time the lighting right and trying to get all of the people involved to work together and hold the postitions needed.